Tuesday, 14 September 2010

A Childhood

Share your work from week one of your Contrast project. Propose questions about your work to your classmates to start a discussion about the image. Record the feedback in your reflective journal.


  1. This is an image that I recorded at a neglected seaside resort in North Wales. I feel that it fits into the theme of Contrast because of the elements of opposition within the image. The bright colors of the ride evoke memories of childhood, activity, laughter, movement. However the environment and atmosphere of the image - dull, harsh, gray, still, silent, empty - are in direct juxtaposition to that memory and ingrained emotion of childhood.

  2. Here is my blog http://sampsd.tumblr.com/

    Photograph from week 1


  3. ’ve previously been viewing images of Edward Weston (who was a great photographer of the 20th century). By viewing his many images I notice how the genre curves come up a lot, considering he does some nude shoots. His most celebrated image is ‘pepper’ in which a deformed pepper is taken on a black/grey screen. In this image you can see the detail produced including the texture and tones.
    So my chosen ‘contrast’ genre I am going to work on will probably be ‘curves and lines’.
    What also catches my eye about his photography is that they are black and white (being from the 30’s). I believe this gives a great effect and provides a better contrasting image.
    I am also on the verge of choosing whether to shoot still life imagery or real life imagery. Producing images of still life would be easy to do, lighting wise but I feel real life may bring up a better story if I were to create a sequence of images.
